Bertrand CARRETTE created a post,
Hi since last week, I have some 8135S (used with rainbow room) with deffective sound. by restarting the android box the problem is resolved but then it reappearsdoes anyone have the same concern?
Bertrand CARRETTE commented,
Hi, it's the same for us, thanks in advance for the futur fix
Bertrand CARRETTE commented,
Merci pour le retour, redémarrage effectué, souci réglé mais rainbow toujours un peu instable "le mode ordinateur est momentanément indisponible" , redémarrage OXE prévu ce soir...
Bertrand CARRETTE created a post,
Bonjour, appels sortants impossibles ce matin avec rainbow, un souci local ?
Bertrand CARRETTE commented,
it seems to be okI no longer have my bubbles in my favorites
Bertrand CARRETTE commented,
C'est ok également chez nous depuis quelques minutes
Bertrand CARRETTE created a post,
Nous perdons les services au fur et à mesure, aucun incident signalé sur le site "Service Status" - Est ce général ?
Bertrand CARRETTE commented,
How can I kill a bubble ?
Bertrand CARRETTE commented,
Hello, is the problem fixed now ? I always have some trubles // members can't join or launch other bublles
Bertrand CARRETTE commented,
Hi, same problem on our organisation (all client : web, windows, mobile ...)