Rainbow allows you to retrieve information about incoming phone calls. You can use this information by injecting it into another application.
With this "Computer Telephony Integration" you can benefit from Rainbow information combined with another database.
Note: This function is available with the Rainbow Desktop Application and the configuration must be done on each computer.
A specific configuration is required for each software you want to use for this type of integration. This article presents an example of integration between Rainbow and MicroCRM software.
Feel free to download the folder attached to this article who include all you need to test this feature.
Create the custo.manifest file
This file contains a list of actions to be performed during a predefined event. At the moment, the available action is "on-incoming-pbx-call-actions".
- Create the "custo.manifest" file in the folder of your application and copy paste the exemple bellow.
- Define the path of the application you want start during an incoming Telephone Call in the line "Url".
- Define the actions you want performed in the line "Params". This line depends to the application your want use.
Note: This exemple presents a "params" line who filled the field -number in MicroCRM with the data ${caller.phoneNumber}
"version" : "1",
"extension-points" : {
"on-incoming-pbx-call-actions" : [
"name" : "actionIn",
"command" : {
"url" : "C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroCRM\MicroCRM.exe",
"params" : "-number ${caller.phoneNumber}"
} } ] }
Update the Rainbow settings file
Once your "custo.manifest" file is ready, you have to link it to your Rainbow Desktop Application.
- Open the folder "D:\Users\****\AppData\Roaming\Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise\Rainbow"
- Open the settings file who save your Rainbow preferences.
- Add a line "customizationDirectory". As presented in the exemple bellow, define the path of the folder where is your "custo.manifest" file.
"outlookPresent": true,
"useOutlookAddIn": true,
"autoStart": true,
"customizationDirectory": "C:\\Alcatel\\MicroCRM",
"audioProfile": "headset",
"automaticDND": false,
"showSearchBar": true,
"hideOnMinimized": true,
"minimizeOnClosed": true
Next step: Something is missing? Feel free to use the Community to get help or suggest an improvement!
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