This article is a quick guide to help admin to deploy and configure the WebRTC gateway in front of a third party equipment.
Don't hesitate to read the WebRTC gateway articles in the section ALE equipments, as they contain more information.
1 Installation
1.1 Requirements:
- A Virtual Machine must be set-up to host Rainbow WebRTC Gateway. The VM software is delivered by ALE and requires a VMWARE 6.0 or later environment. The VM has to meet the following minimum requirements that may still change:
- vCPU: 2
- CPU reservation in MHz: 4800
- vRAM: 2GB
- vDISK: 4 GB
- vNIC: 1 GB
1.2 WebRTC gateway OVF installation:
1.2.1 Software Download
1.2.2 Installation:
Deploy the OVF file in your vCenter and start the virtual machine (VM)
Login with following crendentials:
The wizard to change the keyboard will be automatically started, just follow the instructions on the screen to change your keyboard.
You may also access to the same menu by using following commands:
# dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
# service keyboard-setup restart
Login with following credentials on the console:
For root commands you must use “sudo”
1.3 WebRTC Gateway configuration
When logged using rainbow account, the configuration is made using the commands mpnetwork [options...] and mpconfig [options...]
1.3.1 First Installation:
You need first to configure the Network settings then the WebRTC gateway settings.
By default the Rainbow WebRTC Gateway starts using a DHCP based network setting
Login with the rainbow account to make the configuration. Step 1 - Network configuration
Consult first What Are Rainbow Network Requirements?
The 1st time you have to run the command mpnetwork with the mandatory options IP, NETMASK, GATEWAY and DNS as shown below:
mpnetwork --IP="" --NETMASK="" --GATEWAY="" --DNS=""
You can also run for this 1st step the mpnetwork command with all options by adding NTP and HOSTNAME
mpnetwork --IP="" --NETMASK="" --GATEWAY="" --DNS="" --NTP="" --HOSTNAME="rainbow-mpgw"
optionally you can add following options
In case you need to update the configuration each command can be executed separately
mpnetwork --IP="" // your new ip address of the VM //
mpnetwork --NETMASK=""
mpnetwork --GATEWAY="" // your gateway //
mpnetwork --DNS="" // your DNS //
mpnetwork --NTP=""
mpnetwork --HOSTNAME="rainbow-mpgw"
mpnetwork --IP=dhcp // if you want to switch IP config to DHCP mode
you may also use
mpnetwork --FQDN="" Step 2 - Configure the WebRTC Gateway:
The 1st time you have to run the command with the mandatory options PBX_DOMAIN and PBXID as shown below:
mpconfig --PBX_DOMAIN="" --PBXID="PBX4c21-2wxy-3c3d-6789-4e4f-g556-7h89-10if"
- PBX_DOMAIN is the IP address of the CTI & Media Bridge Connector for Third Party PBX
- PBXID is the equipment ID of the third party PBX declared in Rainbow
A summary of the changes is displayed and you are requested to confirm to apply those changes, then the WebRTC gateway will reboot automatically.
Once the server has restarted you can run the command mpcheck to check the connectivity to Rainbow Cloud.
1.3.2 Useful commands
mphelp : displays the list of mpXXXXX commands
mpstart|mpstop|mprestart : start, stop or restart gateway
mpcheck : checks WebRTC gateway connectivity to Rainbow Cloud
mpstatus : display service status
mpshow : display current config
mpcollect [--log] [--all] : collect informations and logs from the gateway
mpssh on|off : enable/disable ssh server
1.4 WebRTC Gateway upgrade
- SSH must be enabled using mpssh on command.
- Log on the gateway with SSH and rainbow account
- Copy the new iso file into /home/rainbow/upgrade folder
- Run the command mpupgrade
The server will reboot after the upgrade
You can run the command mpcheck to verify that the configuration has been restored and that the WebRTC gateway is running well and connected to Rainbow cloud.
2 CTI and Media Bridge Connector Configuration
The configuration is described in PBX dedicated articles: How to Connect and Manage My xxx PBX to my Rainbow Company?
3 Rainbow Configuration:
3.1 Equipement configuration
In My Company > Communication> Comm. Server
Select the option "Activate the WebRTC gateway"
3.2 Users Configuration
To benefit from VoIP calls, each user must be granted with an Enterprise license
Once the CTI & Media Bridge Connector has been connected to Rainbow, the admin can associate a user to his corresponding PBX extension.
4 Troubleshooting:
for troubleshooting please read the troubleshooting guide
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