Rainbow Community Best Practises
You want to participate in the Rainbow Community, and you aim to do it well. How to be the most helpful member?
Being a member of a community sounds simple: write posts, ask questions, provide answers and suggest optimizations. The Rainbow Community, however, targets a premium experience. This high level of professional quality is reached by concentrating and merging information about one topic in only one space: THE space to be.
To create That space, Rainbow Community members adopt the following best practices:
- Start by searching for information available BEFORE creating new content while writing a new thread (or a new message).
- When you find relevant information, INTERACT with users to exchange viewpoints and discuss solutions and improvements AFTER (and only after) reading all the comments already available on this topic.
- If you have not found any relevant information for your specific request, and ONLY IF, start a new conversation by asking your question in the most explicit manner possible.
- FIND the most relevant space where to post your message to maximize your chances to see your request addressed by other members of the Rainbow Community.
- Choose a TITLE with care and consideration. This one sentence must state the topic of your post and your need in clear language.
Strong: I need to copy a conversation for sending it to a colleague out of my company.
Weak: Conversation.
- To ASK the best QUESTIONS possible, be clear, precise and direct. Feel free to add screenshots and links to better explain your issue.
- To ANSWER a question, write with clear and understandable language for maximizing the chances of your message to be understood and utilized.
- DETAIL your content for any user to understand it. Add screenshots, animations, and links if you think it would help increase users’ comprehension.
- CHECK that you have done all the actions detailed below… “before sending my post, I”
- Confirm that I have searched for the answer to my question.
- Confirm that I have asked something precisely. Can any reader of my post answer the question “what does he/she want?”
- Agree that I have imagined that I am the receiver of this message and I would not be hurt in any manners by its content.
- Understand that the Rainbow support team shall remove my message if it does not abide by the Rainbow Community rules.
Hello Gunasekaran,
Rainbow Users can reach their Support Team directly from Rainbow with Emily. Furthermore, you can post questions or suggestions in the Community or comment articles in the Guide.
The Customer Care Team browses the Community and answers to Users' questions. You can also get help from other Rainbow Users connected to the Community.
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