
Notify Users of their Account Creation during a Mass Provisioning



6 comentarios

  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Guilherme Arthur,

    Thanks for your feedback and for your new suggestion! Could you please post your idea to the "Feature Suggestion" Topic ?

    I updated the title of your post to "Notify Users of their Account Creation during a Mass Provisioning". 
    Maybe this conversation will help other Rainbow users ...


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  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Guilherme Arthur,

    There is several ways to add an user as a Company member:

    You can send them an invitation directly from you administration space. This article show you how to proceed. Please note by this way you invite users to create their account themself thanks to an email. After the creation, users are automatically added to your Company.

    You can create account using bulk import. This article show you how to proceed.
    You can keep the field password blank. By this way, users have to define heir own password at their first connection.
    An option permit you to send an email notification for the user concerned by an account creation.


    I hope this reply will help you. Please keep us informed if you need further information.


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  • Guilherme-Arthur DE-OLIVEIRA

    Hello Quentin GRABENSTAETTER,

    I performed a test to import users and it worked perfectly, sent email and enabled the user to create a password.

    It would be interesting if you had the option to export the users if you need to make changes.

    Thank you very much for your attention.

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  • Jean-Pascal SAIDE


    Can you please explain more precisely what you suggest here ? Is it to send massively invitations to users, via email and once the import done ?

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  • Guilherme-Arthur DE-OLIVEIRA


    I am from Intuitive Technology, and we are migrating the government from our state of Santa Catarina in Brazil, and each company is more than 1k users.

    So exactly in this way instead of adding as members, if it was possible to send invitations massively, so the user receives an email informing that he is being invited to join the company, clicks the link and creates his own password, it would be much more productive for our deployment.

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  • Guilherme-Arthur DE-OLIVEIRA

    Ok, it would be nice to be able to help other people ^^.

    Let's open a topic with suggestion, thank you very much for your help.

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