iOS SDK 2.8.0 | kSearchDidFoundMessagesInAConversation
in SDK 2.8.0 Im not able to retrieve messages property anymore.
In 2.7.1
if let messages = (notification.object as? NSDictionary)?["occurences"] as? [Message] {
for message in messages {
if foundMessages.firstIndex(of: message) == nil {
Message body is nil, also message peer is nil.
In SDK 2.8.0 same code, but Message object contain nils. It was something changed what was not mentioned?
2023-07-14 14:54:45.828355+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3940935] [ConversationsSearchHelper:235] searchInConversationWithPeer: text: Test
2023-07-14 14:54:45.828550+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3940935] [HTTP] [GET] [SENT] (correlatorId: 4A5686F444)
2023-07-14 14:54:45.835003+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3940935] [RainbowContact:160] Presence Offline for jid ''
2023-07-14 14:54:46.099907+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3957103] [HTTP] [GET] [RECV] (reqId: vtwc3m2Xj, correlatorId: 4A5686F444)
2023-07-14 14:54:46.100225+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3957103] [ConversationsSearchHelper:253] searchInConversationWithPeer: results count: 4
Message: nil
Message: nil
Message: nil
Message: nil
Message: nil
Message: nil
Message: nil
Message: nil
2023-07-14 14:54:46.101606+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3956275] Error: execSQLStatement:onConnection:toCompletionWithRetry:writeLockHelp - SQL=BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;, error-code=10, error-message=disk I/O error
2023-07-14 14:54:46.102101+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3956275] Error: stepSQLStatement:toCompletionWithRetry - stepping returned unhandled result=10, DB=/Users/pasp/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/31475E1B-95BD-4FE8-9088-C867387079D7/data/Containers/Data/Application/A69B1035-6424-432C-9289-BACF0039D767/Library/Caches/sk.dhollandia.DholRainbow/Cache.db
2023-07-14 14:54:46.102235+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3956275] Error: execSQLStatement:onConnection:toCompletionWithRetry:writeLockHelp - SQL=COMMIT TRANSACTION;, error-code=1, error-message=cannot commit - no transaction is active
2023-07-14 14:54:46.106458+0200 DholRainbow[94350:3940935] [RainbowContact:160] Presence Offline for jid ''
I asked the team about the issue, the response was the following :
when receiving `kSearchDidFoundMessagesInAConversation` and iterate the `occurences` you need to to get the real messages from the found results using the time stamps of the messages `-(void) searchContextMessagesWithPeer:(id<PeerProtocol> _Nonnull)peer aroundTimestamps:(NSArray * _Nonnull)timestamps`
After calling this method you will receive the same notification and could parse the result messages using `messages` key
What type of aroundTimestamps is expected? I see array of any
aroundTimestamps:(NSArray * _Nonnull)timestamps
But If I pass an array of [Date] I got crash.
var timeStamps = [Date]()
if let messages = (notification.object as? NSDictionary)?["occurences"] as? [Message], let peer = conversation?.peer {
for message in messages {
if let timeStamp = message.timestamp {
serviceManager.conversationsSearchHelper.searchContextMessages(withPeer: peer, aroundTimestamps: timeStamps)
}Also tried convert message.tiemstamp to string in format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". This does not make application crash but still cant get second notification with "messages" key
Im still not able to get second call of notification. Something definitely Im doing wrong.
var timeStamps = [NSNumber]()
if let messages = (notification.object as? NSDictionary)?["occurences"] as? [Message], let peer = conversation?.peer {
for message in messages {
if let timeStamp = message.timestamp {
timeStamps.append((timeStamp.timeIntervalSince1970 as? NSNumber)!)
serviceManager.conversationsSearchHelper.searchContextMessages(withPeer: peer, aroundTimestamps: timeStamps)
}searchContextMessages aroundTimestamps does not triggering notification with "messages" key.
Here is the code we are using to achieve this :
* Request for the messages before and after a specific date. The messages are returned in didFindMessagesInConversation.
* - Parameter beforeAndAfter: reference date
* - Returns:
func getMessages(beforeAndAfter: [Date]) {
var timestamps: Array<NSNumber> = []
for date in beforeAndAfter {
let timeInterval = NSNumber(value: UInt(date.timeIntervalSince1970 * 10E5))
ServicesManager.sharedInstance()?.conversationsSearchHelper.searchContextMessages(withPeer: conversation.peer, aroundTimestamps: timestamps)
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