
Presence between Embedded phone application and Rainbow



5 comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    Christophe MUNINGER

    Dear Marco,

    If you are in a multi-set configuration on your communication system, making a call or receiving a call through your mobile will automatically set your presence to Busy.

    Best regards,
    Christophe Muninger

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  • Marco GELATI

    Hi Christophe,

    Thank's for your answer, I clear for me that call executed trough PABX take correct presence state but my question is refered to use of gsm, for example:
    I receive a direct call on my mobile, is possible pass busy state to client Rainbow?

    Best regards, Marco.

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  • Christophe MUNINGER

    Hi Marco

    We have no information for direct cellular calls. In this context, this could be seen as private calls, not business calls. Not sure that some people will appreciate that others see a busy state for such calls.

    Best Regards,
    Christophe Muninger

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  • Marco GELATI

    You are right, but you can add this feature configurable on the rainbow client.... only user that need can enable it.
    In this case we have more flessibility!

    Thank's Marco

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  • Antonio TESSARI

    I'm in conversation with rainbow application using my Smartphone... And someone call me on the gsm Number... It's possible to deny inbound call on phone when i'm already in conversation with rainbow?

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