Markdown on mobile client + force opening tel: urls with Rainbow
I have two suggestions for improvement
- It would be great to have markdown support on mobile clients to put it on par with the web and desktop versions.
- Have a way to force tel: urls to open with rainbow, or devise a separate scheme (rainbow:<number>).
tel: and callto: URL open with Rainbow-App on a Windows Desktop PC:
To activate this, you have to add some Registry settings. I created a text file with the ending .reg (registry file) and activated it on my PC. Now I can click on a telephone number in the browser (tel: or callto: URL) and the Rainbow App is opening and dialing the number.
The text below you can copy in your text editor and save as a .reg file. Copy also the title. Then open "Regedit" on your computer and save (export) the whole registry to your PC.
Now you can double-click the new .reg - file. After the confirmation you can test the function.
Copy this in your text editor (including title):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\tel]
"URL Protocol"=""[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Rainbow.callto]
@="Rainbow %1"[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Rainbow]
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