Cannot add members in new bubbles
From this morning 10.30am GMT+2 (France) on, when a member attempts to create a new bubble, he/she cannot invite any guest (i.e. other members of the company).
The creation process is hold in the wizard, once the guests are added, on the wizard finalization screen (Rainbow room equipment step).
To finish, one must close the wizard screen.
Getting to the newly created bubble (empty!), it's impossible to add any guest from the bubble too.
Workaround: generate a html link from "Share...", send the link to your guests, they can join the bubble.
My organisation has >50 Enterprise licences, we have been using Rainbow for several monthes without any incident, today people are really complaining from this morning on.
Company: Ville & Agglo Chambéry
INP Toulouse declared the same incident today, I confirm that the incident is real and ongoing!
Thank you for your help
So I tried to connect to ALE Service and Support (
It's not possible to proceed to user registration ('Your email domain is not an authorized one. If you are an authorized Customer / Business Partner, you should contact your administrator or our global welcome center ( to get an access').
Could you file a case for me or help for user registration ?
Best regards
I created a bubble with >20 guests yesterday afternoon without any problem. Your problem may related to the location of your data, both users reported this issue are from France which use a different data store than for Brian and me.
You can still open a ticket via Emily (e-Support) to get support from your BP or ALE directly which depends from the contract.
It has been discovered in other companies that this issue appears to be related to the privacy settings of the company or the individual. Companies that have the privacy setting set to Isolated seem to be having this issue. Changing the privacy setting to Closed has resolved the issue for these companies. There is also a new Rainbow release scheduled for this Sunday that should also address this issue.
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