wrong callerNumber
My incoming calls had often the caller number "13".
This is the virtualNomadic interface.
It happens mostly, if the iPhone is idle and in the lockescreen. When i put my ipad with an open Rainbow app next to my iPhone (idle, lockscreen active), the iPhone shows the caller Id / number "13" and on my ipad the real correct Phonenumber will be shown.
A 2nd try with now unlocked and relocked iphone will show the real callernumber for a short time period . After xx minutes Idle, everey caller will be shown with "13" again
2020-06-04 11:50:12.116 Rainbow[60521:3990236] [NotificationsManager:428] [PUSHKIT IOS13] didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload (completion 0x281291720) : {
callernumber = 13;
displayname = "";
from = "mp_dd59757f55e1404996c07216cd997aa0@rainbow.lim";
medias = (
messageID = "a8b1974e-39aa-4b08-822b-b7109e16fbc5_251";
resource = mediapillar;
sessionID = "a8b1974e-39aa-4b08-822b-b7109e16fbc5_250";
type = propose;
Same Problem here https://support.openrainbow.com/hc/de/community/posts/360000092104/comments/360000216430
Any ideas?
Alex from Germany
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