
Visibilité annuaire OXE lors d'une recherche de contact


2 comentarios

  • Andreas HEISE

    Hello Hamza,

    to find OXE results in your search you need an established RAINBOWAGENT link between OXE and Rainbow Cloud and the user need a Business or Enterprise license.

    1. Check if RAINBOW AGENT is correctly connected (OXE: incvisu | grep -i RAINBOWAGENT)

    07/02/20 17:53:14 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4503 = rainbowagent: WebSocket (rainbowagent <-> Rainbow) in service
    07/02/20 17:53 : 17 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4505 = rainbowagent: XMPP link (rainbowagent <-> Rainbow) in service
    07/02/20 17:53:20 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4509 = rainbowagent: CSTA link (CSTA server <-> Rainbow) in service
    07/02/20 17:53:20 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4507 = rainbowagent: Config link (PBX config <-> Rainbow) in service
    07/02/20 17:53:20 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5 : 4511 = rainbowagent: API_MGT link (API_MGT server <-> Rainbow) in service

    or in Rainbow Settings About:


    2. Check your Rainbow profile for the license information

    Rainbow client: my Profile / Service Plan 

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  • Sébastien MARTINEAU



    Nous avons le même problème et le service est bien lancé sur l'OXE, avez-vous résolu le souci de votre côté ? Merci.

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