Visibilité annuaire OXE lors d'une recherche de contact
Lors d'une recherche depuis Rainbow, les contacts issus de l'annuaire OXE ne sont plus visibles.
Avant lors d'une recherche ces derniers étaient visibles sous la partie "autre annuaire de la compagnie".
Auriez-vous une idée de la cause de ce problème ?
Hello Hamza,
to find OXE results in your search you need an established RAINBOWAGENT link between OXE and Rainbow Cloud and the user need a Business or Enterprise license.
1. Check if RAINBOW AGENT is correctly connected (OXE: incvisu | grep -i RAINBOWAGENT)
07/02/20 17:53:14 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4503 = rainbowagent: WebSocket (rainbowagent <-> Rainbow) in service
07/02/20 17:53 : 17 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4505 = rainbowagent: XMPP link (rainbowagent <-> Rainbow) in service
07/02/20 17:53:20 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4509 = rainbowagent: CSTA link (CSTA server <-> Rainbow) in service
07/02/20 17:53:20 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5: 4507 = rainbowagent: Config link (PBX config <-> Rainbow) in service
07/02/20 17:53:20 010010M | --- / - / - / --- | = 5 : 4511 = rainbowagent: API_MGT link (API_MGT server <-> Rainbow) in serviceor in Rainbow Settings About:
2. Check your Rainbow profile for the license information
Rainbow client: my Profile / Service Plan
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