
Accessibility of Rainbow in Browser for blind users


12 comentarios

  • Stefan BRIXEL

    Hello Guenter,

    basically, Rainbow CPaaS (Communication Platform as a Service) is offering all the APIs to use the commutation engine (audio, video, chat, ...) in your own code.

    Pls. find the CPaaS ebook here:

    My Idea/ proposal is not to reinvent the Rainbow client/ Webinteface, but to enrich your customer service experience/ workflow with new digital interaction (Chatbot, Knowledge Base, Translator services, Blockchain, KI, you name it!) similar to the already existing solution of the "Videoberatung".

    Best regards

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  • Pierre LEBER


    To answer to your first question, yes, every subjects concerning a11y will be mentioned in the "what's new".
    I'll keep you informed of major enhancements. Your feedback will always be appreciated. 

    About other platforms, i'll spread the word to the concerned teams.

    With best regards,

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  • Stefan BRIXEL

    Hello Guenter,

    Thank you for contacting our Rainbow Forum.

    Being your Account Manager from ALE, I currently engage our teams to send valuable Feedback to your question and offering.
    Your support is well appreciated.

    We are trying to find a way to channel the efforts to further improve Rainbow.

    Did you know that we offer a huge developer ecosystem around Rainbow CPaaS APIs?
    (the solution that is currently also used for your customer service and your support in this domain might be of great help for your project team and your organisation to offer inclusion at the core of their vision.)

    Best regards


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  • Günter Hanke

    what do you mean with the ecosystem exactly?


    That we should create our own rainbow by ourselves?


    Thank you for an answer



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  • Pierre LEBER

    Hello Günter,

    As part of the development team, we are aware of the problem facing lack of accessibility.

    We are already working on some improvements following the WCAG guidelines.

    Several development will be release on the next versions, such as alternative text to images, improving focus onto elements. We are also adding ARIA semantics to enhance compliance with screen readers.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    With best regards,

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  • Günter Hanke

    Hello Pierre,

    that sounds the right way.



    As web developer with over 20 years experience in accessibility i can assist you there.


    I gave Stefan Brixel a more detailled description of the things i faced while testing the Web interface and the IOS App.


    Another question:

    Will the enhancements in accessibility be part of the whatsnew list?




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  • Günter Hanke

    Hello again,

    i think you'll have to do simmilar things for every platform such as IOS, Android, MAC OS and so on.


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  • Günter Hanke

    Hello Pierre,

    anything new regarding the Accessibility of the Web Client or the IOS App?


    The IOS App can be used but is far from barrier free.

    And there are many things that cannot be done as a blind user.

    And the Web page or the Windows Client  is nearly inaccessible.

    I cannot pick up incoming calls, cannot make a call, cannot manage  contacts, cannot manage boubles and so on and so on.

    There are no hotkeys available or they are not documented.


    It is a pitty that no one cares about it!


    This is discriminism and therefore against european law!




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  • Günter Hanke

    Hello Pierre,

    anything new regarding the accessibility of Rainbow for blind users?



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  • Pierre LEBER

    Hello Guenter,

    Yes, several updates concerning accessibility have been released lately.
    We improved keyboard accessibility, we also added some ARIA semantics. Alternative text to images is nearly done, we added generic role and aria-label onto SVG.

    Since those tasks are not fully completed, we didn't mention them yet onto the changelog.

    We know there is still alot of work to do, but at least it's a good start !

    I don't know if those updates are already available for you, but don't hesitate to give us your feedback.

    Thank you, with best regards,

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  • Günter Hanke

    Hi Pierre,

    i had a short look into the web app in Chrome.

    Many icons and graphics are labelled now.

    But it is a mixture of german and english.

    And many other text is also in english where other things are german.


    And i can not find any documentation of keyboard commands.


    And i can not navigate around the different parts of the app.

    So it is very hard to find the thingks i need.




    Yesterday I looked into the Windows App and tis is even worse.

    Earlier i thougt that the Windows App was just a case around the web page, it justs integrates the HTML code.

    But now it looks that it is totally different.

    I see nearlly no graphics, cannot manage my contacts.


    And in both versions (web and windows app) i cannot pick up an incoming call or make a call.


    Currently i am using the IOS App.

    There i can do most of the things as IOS will describe unlabelled graphics with the internal OCR automatically.


    You can spread my contact data to the developers so i can assist you.




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  • Günter Hanke


    nothing changes with the last updates here.


    When this is on a top position on your feature list...


    Why are you process the list from bottom?


    And another thing:

    As a blind person i cannot vote my or other's messages up in this system here.




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