CUSTOMER presentation for business partner
I’m looking for an up-to-date CUSTOMER presentation (PPT). Couldn’t find anything reasonable on BPWS or here in the support page.
I’m thinking of a few overview slides explaining the Rainbow big picture and one slide per topic (e.g. Bubbles / Conferences / Channels / Room / Connect / CPaas).
Refer to the “Sales Companion” presentation for OXE.
- The presentation is meant to be held as part of an interactive customer proposal / discussion
- The slides should only contain bullet points and one or two screenshots of the user interface
- The business partner should explain the features in detail to the customer
- The business partner should be able to explain the whole solution to the customer within max. 20min and then do a hand on presentation
- Provide a slide with subscription overview and costs
- Provide links to in-depth presentation / documents
- Provide and link page / further info slide (e.g. support page / Link to the Rainbow apps)
- The slide deck should be updated with each Rainbow release
- The BP should be able to make some changes to the slides (e.g. subscription options / costs)
- The BP should be able to add the BP company logo to the slides (master view)
I think this would help BP a lot to present the Rainbow solution to their customers. To have a well-structured presentation would help to explain the complex solution.
In my experience it is better to have a short presentation upfront – identify the topics the customer is most interested in during the talk - and then afterwards do a hands on demo. Otherwise you may lose focus if the customers sees the UI at first hand any you start to explain the features.
At the moment most of the available presentation are business partner focused and need to be adapted by the business partner for the end customer. As things change (e.g. the new UI) this is time consuming and inefficient for the business partner.
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