IOS App reduces volume of my screenreader
i am blind and use Rainbow on my iPhone 7 under IOS 14.4.2 with the build in screen reader VoiceOver.
I can use most of the things of Rainbow under IOS where i cannot use rainbow on my computer at all as it is not accessible under Windows at all.
But since the last update to IOS Rainbow Version 1.86.4 i have the following problem under IOS:
When the call was established i cannot hear the speech of VoiceOver any longer.
the volume of VoiceOver is that low that i can hardly hear it.
Especially if someone is speaking.. you can not hear VoiceOver.
It is in an Audio, Video or Bouble call.
So i can not mute or unmute, cannot switch my camera on/off or listn to announcements of the chat messages.
Before 1.86.4 i could do this without problems as i could hear the VoiceOver voice.
I have switched the volume of VoiceOver to 100 % and the device volume down but you can only hear VoiceOver talking when no one is speaking.
Normally i'm using my phone only, without a headset.
But wehn i use a headset all this is no problem and i can listn to VoiceOver without problems or like before the update.
I had a Rainbow session with a blind person yesterday and she had the same problem with the Phone and it was solved with a headset.
Could someone reproduce this please.
What changes from 1.85 to 1.86 that causes this unwanted behaviour?
Please change it back so i can listn to VoiceOver on my phone again!
Hi again,
normally when i am in a telephone call (not Rainbow) and i put the phone away from my ear.
Then the speaker changes from internal to loudspeaker.
And then i can listn to VoiceOver.
Before 1.86.4 this was the case in Rainbow two.
But since 1.86.4 this is no longer the case.
The real voices of the other participants is switching to the loudspeaker but the VoiceOver still comes via the internal loudspeaker.
I don't know what the problem is exactly but it has something to do with the speakers, the telephone mode and so on.
This is an very problematic situation for all blind persons using Rainbow!
And Webex and Zoom are not having this problem with VoiceOver...
This should be solved very soon!
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