Argument for Msi deployment
I want deploy Rainbow_Installer_User_Offline.msi on many computers by System center configuration Manager.
I would like to know if some argument exist in the command line of install to set language to French and to start automatically the application at the start of computer and to set autoupdate.
In other application this type of command looks like to :
msiexec /i "install.msi" languague=french autostart=yes autoupdate=yes
Something equivalent exist to the Rainbow_Installer_User_Offline.msi ?
Thanks for your reply :)
Comentario oficial
Hello Cedric,
You can have a look here:
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Thanks for your reply. For languague, i used ORCA to modify msi language and to pass language code 1033 to 1036 but i have tried to use the command line for autostart but don't work. I must add a "file.cmd" after the install of MSI to deploy the register key in HKCU\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and to permit the autostart of rainbow application at user logon
msiexec /i "Rainbow.msi" /l*v rainbow_msi.log WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/AutoStart"
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