iOS | Personal contacts
Which method is for creating own personal contacts?
I have tried
serviceManager.contactsManagerService.directoriesManager.createPersonalContact(<#T##updateBlock: (ContactDirectoryBuilder) -> Void##(ContactDirectoryBuilder) -> Void#>, block: <#T##((Contact?, Error?) -> Void)?##((Contact?, Error?) -> Void)?##(Contact?, Error?) -> Void#>)
but I was getting server error once I called this method.
Here is how I have tried to use in SWIFT
serviceManager.contactsManagerService.directoriesManager.createPersonalContact { contactBuilder in
contactBuilder.firstName = name
contactBuilder.lastName = surname
} block: { contact, error in
Here is the log
2022-12-19 09:04:43.056196+0100 DholRainbow[12971:4582151] [HTTP] [POST] [SENT] (correlatorId: 72D7C9B716)
2022-12-19 09:04:44.277646+0100 DholRainbow[12971:4582284] [HTTP] [POST] [RECV] (reqId: 3w8_IVMxLc, correlatorId: 72D7C9B716)
2022-12-19 09:04:44.278157+0100 DholRainbow[12971:4582284] [HTTP] [POST] [ERROR] /api/rainbow/directory/v1.0/entries Cannot perform request in REST : {
errorCode = 500;
errorDetails = "";
errorDetailsCode = "-1";
errorMsg = "Internal Server Error";
I don't know if it changes anything but I have "builder" instead of "contactBuilder", can you try?
Also on your official app, you are able to create the account on the same environment / account? If yes, might be something with the appId but the server error is not helpful.
I have checked with backend team and the issue is about the country which is empty. It is required and it must be in ISO-3166-1-alpha3 format.
In the Rainbow SDK you can use following as default:
You can also use following property to display the list of countries (as Country object) :
Iniciar sesión para dejar un comentario.
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