Andre BEER

  • Actividad total 24
  • Última actividad
  • Miembro desde
  • Siguiendo 0 usuarios
  • Lo siguen 0 usuarios
  • Votos 12
  • Suscripciones 9

Resumen de la actividad

Última actividad de Andre BEER
  • Andre BEER creó una publicación,

    sorting of favorites

    At the moment the favorites only be sorted by the order they were created, I suggest to change this, so the user himself can arrange them as he want.

  • Andre BEER creó una publicación,

    Call Logs for Secondary Terminals


    Rainbow does not generate the call logs of the secondary terminal(s) so if there is a multiset configuration and the calls is answered on secondary set there is no notice in rainbow for that call. ...

  • Andre BEER hizo un comentario,

    In addition to this it would also help when it is possible that <CTRL>+<ENTER> send the message and <ENTER> alone would add a ne line in the conversation.