Jill FECHNER creó una publicación,
No transfer icon displays on an incoming call. How do you transfer it?
Jill FECHNER creó una publicación,
What is this error related to? Our system was down until 11.15 today. We can now receive calls into the office but still getting this error on the mobile app for remote users. In the admin settin...
Jill FECHNER hizo un comentario,
And after the update today the issue with the app is back When trying to make a call I get this Something went wrong. Rainbow can't acces the microphone or camera I have checked the settings and...
Jill FECHNER hizo un comentario,
Configuration test also fails
Jill FECHNER hizo un comentario,
https://web.openrainbow.com/ it works in the browser just not the desktop app on Windows for me
Jill FECHNER creó una publicación,
After update today we are agetting Something went wrong. Rainbow can't acces the microphone or camera