you can fetch the following command on the WebRTC Gateway console (for instance using ssh) to obtain this information: cat /tmp/mpgw-active-sessions
once you activated snmpd it is possible to extend snmpd. To request WebRTC GW version using snmp I would do: sudo sed -e '/\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.25\.1/i\view systemonly included .
Try this for 1.77.16-xxx echo "deb stretch main contrib non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.listsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloa...
it's running smoth on hyper-v $ mpshow Rainbow WebRTC Gateway version: 1.75.5-302 - janus-gateway-mediapillar 1.75.2~202006101732.0a687a7ff-103- otlitemediapillargateway 1.75.3~202006261618.187e1a0...
I think Rainbow-Feature-List-and-Applications should list detailed informations about supported Headsets types and not such only names of the brands...
Small update for rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.70.3-175: extract the zip archive unzip create new disk image sudo qemu-img create /var/lib/libvirt/images/rainb...
Yes, I can confirm this problem exists.
maybe this is not official, but snmp support can be enabled by add the software repository for the distribution echo "deb stretch main contrib non-free" >> /etc/ap...
Hi, Have connected WebRTC-GW 1.66 and OXO, VoIP calls are working good. But I can not see the calling number while Rainbow App is in background or the iPhone is idle. Instead of the number "MediaPi...
Customers are not interested to the technical background, they want two simple features: search phone number by name to take outgoing calls assign name to a number for an incoming call of a new co...