As presented in the official feature list, Rainbow is available on PC, Mac, iOS and Android devices. You can also use Rainbow Services from other applications using the Connectors. Below are links to download Rainbow applications on each of these platforms.
Note: Don't forget that Rainbow is also available without any installation through your web browser (compatible with recent versions of Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Edge). Go to Rainbow
Applications for computer
Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are present on the computer: VC++ 2015 Runtime • Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 10.0.60910 • .Net 4.8.1 Framework
Online installer:
Requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies will be downloaded during installation).
*only recommended for compatibility with old 32 bits operating systems, advanced collaboration features might not be supported.
Offline installer:
Do not requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies are already included in the file).
*only recommended for compatibility with old 32 bits operating systems, advanced collaboration features might not be supported.
● A per-machine installation makes changes on the computer that affect all users. Administrator rights are therefore required to install or update the application.
● You must first uninstall the 32 bits version when you want to install the 64 bits version.
Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are present on the computer: VC++ 2015 Runtime • Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 10.0.60910 • .Net 4.8.1 Framework
Online installer:
Requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies will be downloaded during installation).
*only recommended for compatibility with old 32 bits operating systems, advanced collaboration features might not be supported.
Offline installer:
Do not requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies are already included in the file).
*only recommended for compatibility with old 32 bits operating systems, advanced collaboration features might not be supported.
Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are present on the computer: VC++ 2015 Runtime • Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 10.0.60910 • .Net 4.8.1 Framework
Online installer:
Requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies will be downloaded during installation).
*only recommended for compatibility with old 32 bits operating systems, advanced collaboration features might not be supported.
Offline installer:
Do not requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies are already included in the file).
*only recommended for compatibility with old 32 bits operating systems, advanced collaboration features might not be supported.
Use the DMG files to install your application.
Applications for Mobiles and Meeting Rooms
Google Play Store:
Use the Google Playstore to install and (auto)update your application.
APK installer:
Use the APK files to install and update your application if you do not have access to the Playstore.
Google Play Store:
Use the Google Playstore to install and (auto)update your application.
Apple App Store:
Use the App Store to install and (auto)update your application.
Apple App Store:
Use the App Store to install and (auto)update your application.
Rainbow Business Telephony for Microsoft Teams
Note: In addition to the Desktop app installed on your computer, the Add-in must be added to your Microsoft Teams account by you or by your Microsoft Teams administrator.
Microsoft Teams Apps Gallery:
Use the Apps Gallery to install and (auto)update your extension.
Microsoft Teams AppSource - Rainbow Business Telephony
- We highly recommend to upgrade or install the new version in place of this older version. Details about this new version can be found here.
- Old version v2 will be supported until end of October 2023.
Note: In addition to the Smart-app installed on your computer, the Package must be added to your Microsoft Teams account by you or by your Microsoft Teams administrator. Learn more
Note: If you still need the old version of the add-in (zip package), please contact the Rainbow support team by sending an e-mail to
Warning: A per-machine installation makes changes on the computer that affect all users. Administrator rights are therefore required to install or update the application.
Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are present on the computer: VC++ 2015 Runtime • Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 10.0.60910 • .Net 4.8.1 Framework
Online installer:
Requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies will be downloaded during installation).
Offline installer:
Do not requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies are already included in the file).
Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are present on the computer: VC++ 2015 Runtime • Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 10.0.60910 • .Net 4.8.1 Framework
Online installer:
Requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies will be downloaded during installation).
Offline installer:
Do not requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies are already included in the file).
Warning: A per-machine installation makes changes on the computer that affect all users. Administrator rights are therefore required to install or update the application.
Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are present on the computer: VC++ 2015 Runtime • Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 10.0.60910 • .Net 4.8.1 Framework
Online installer:
Requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies will be downloaded during installation).
Offline installer:
Do not requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies are already included in the file).
Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are present on the computer: VC++ 2015 Runtime • Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 10.0.60910 • .Net 4.8.1 Framework
Online installer:
Requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies will be downloaded during installation).
Offline installer:
Do not requires an internet connection to install the application (dependencies are already included in the file).
- We highly recommend to upgrade or install the new version in place of this older version. Details about this new version can be found here.
- Old version v2 will be supported until end of October 2023.
Note: In addition to the Smart-app installed on your computer, the Package must be added to your Microsoft Teams account by you or by your Microsoft Teams administrator. Learn more
Note: If you still need the old version of the add-in (zip package), please contact the Rainbow support team by sending an e-mail to
Use the DMG files to install your application.
Rainbow Telephony for Google Chrome
Use the Web Store to install and (auto)update your extension.
7 commentaires
Bonjour Quentin,
Pour le déploiement du package Microsoft et Rainbow en mode poste de travail sans droit d'Admin:
J'ai cherché sur le site Help Center si il existait un document décrivant la procédure d'installation et je n'ai rien trouvé.
Pourriez-vous m'orienter pour récupérer ce document si il existe ?
Merci à vous,
Philippe Rochette
Bonjour Philippe,
A ce jour, nous n'avons de documentation complémentaire. Je pense comprendre que votre question concerne notre fichier d'installation MSI?
Notre installer MSI est standard, il faut simplement faire attention de le déployer dans la partie "User Configuration" de la policy et non pas "Computer Configuration".
N'hésitez pas à poster un commentaire sur la Communauté pour toute autre demande d'assistance.
Bonjour Philippe,
A toute fin utile, merci de bien trouver ci-dessous un lien vers une nouvelle documentation concernant le déploiement de Rainbow à l'aide de l'installer MSI:
Ce document, décrit le déploiement de l'application de bureau Rainbow via les " Group Policy Objects" de Microsoft Active Directory.
Bonjour à tous,
Nous sommes passés d'une installation massive par utilisateur à une installation massive par poste.
Lors de la désinstallation de vieilles versions de Rainbow, ce dernier nous demande les sources.
> Où peut-on se procurer les sources des précédentes versions de Rainbow ?
Bonjour à tous,
existe t il un connecteur TEAMS pour application mobile IOS/Android?
Ou puis je trouver svp un guide utilisateur RAINBOW dans le cadre à l'intégration à TEAMS? de futurs clients nous le demandent.
Merci d'avance,
Peut on avoir la version des packages dans l'article ?
c'est quand même plus simple que de télécharger le package pour voir si il y a une mise à jours.
Evers André
Nous rencontrons un problème avec le paramétrage de la Smart App avec la power app Teams
En effet, après redémarrage du poste, la Smart App démarre bien, mais les paramètres ne sont pas conservés. Par exemple, la sonnerie secondaire ne reste pas fonctionnelle. Pourtant la case reste bien cochée mais lors d'un appel entrant, la sonnerie secondaire ne se déclenche pas. Il faut systématiquement re-sélectionner l'équipement qui doit diffuser la sonnerie secondaire.
Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà rencontré ce problème ? Existe-t-il une solution ?
Merci pour vos retour.
Kévin Grémeret.
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