The Peer-to-peer communication section in the analytics covers exchanges made over Rainbow between two users, either with messages or with Rainbow calls.
These analytics are available
- in the Global dashboard
- in the dedicated Peer-to-peer tab for 1-year analytics.
Collaboration in bubbles has its dedicated section, as well as calls made over a telephony system (Phone calls for OXE and OXO systems or Rainbow Voice for Cloud PBX).
Global dashboard
In the Global dashboard you will find three metrics:
Read also: Global analytics - General principles
Adoption score
The Adoption score is an indicator of the adoption of the feature by your users. It is based on the frequency your users are using the feature over the last 28 days.
The following user actions are considered:
- sending a message to another user
- answering a Rainbow call from another user
- calling another user, whether the called user answers or not
It is the average value of the adoption scores of the users: for example, a user active for 2 days or less over this period counts as 0% while a user active for more than 14 days counts as 100%.
Acceptable values will depend on the context of your company. For example in a company with many part-time employees, the score will be lower than a company where employees are using Rainbow on a daily basis. Thus, it is more relevant to follow the evolution of the score rather than an instant value: if the score is increasing, it means that Rainbow is more and more often used, while a decreasing score should be addressed by promoting Rainbow more towards your users.
One aggregated view and one per-day view are available:
The Gauge view shows you the evolution of the adoption score between the last day (so the most recent day) and the first day of the period. |
The line view shows you the evolution per day over the selected period: |
This metric displays the number of messages sent by all your users.
The chart represents the distribution between
- the messages sent by one of your users to another of your user (Inside your company)
- the messages sent by one of your users to a user of another company (Outside your company)
In this section, only messages sent to users are displayed. For messages sent inside a bubble, check the section Collaboration in bubbles.
Two aggregated views and one per-day view are available:
Pie chart for the sum of all messages sent over the dashboard period | |
Bar chart for the sum of all messages sent over the dashboard period | |
Bar chart for the number of messages sent per day |
Rainbow calls
It displays the number of Rainbow calls to other users:
- Outgoing calls are the Rainbow calls made by users of your company to any other users
- Incoming calls are Rainbow calls made by any users to users of your company
The charts represent the distribution between the calls which have been answered and the calls which have not been answered.
Two aggregated and three per-day views are available:
Pie chart for the sum of calls over the dashboard period | |
Bar chart for the sum of calls over the dashboard period | |
The All calls view provides a line chart combining the number of incoming and outgoing calls |
The Incoming calls view splits the incoming calls into answered and non answered |
The Outgoing calls view splits the outcoming calls into answered and non answered |
Peer-to-peer tab
Advanced analytics with 1-year history is available in the Peer-to-peer tab, which is also accessible via an icon in the corresponding section.
The tab is composed of three profile analyses:
and three 1-year graphs:
- Messages sent by licensed users
- Web calls with licensed users - Number and duration
- Web calls with licensed users - Internal and external calls
Only the actions done by users with a license other than Essential are taken into account in the 'Peer-to-peer' tab. Thus, the data may differ from the Global Dashboard which reports every user.
Frequency of usages
This chart categorizes the users based on the frequency of usage over the last 28 days. The volume is not taken into account.
- Everyday: used the feature more than four days a week
- Often: used the feature less than four days per week
- Sometimes: used the feature less than two days per week
- Never: did not use this feature at all or used it only during one single day
Internal or external usages
This chart categorizes the users based on the number of communications inside the same company or with a user from another company.
- More with the exterior: the user did more communications with someone from another company than with someone from the same company
- More within the company: the user did more communications with someone from the same company than with someone from another company
- Almost only internally: the user did 10 times more communications with someone from the same company than with someone from another company
This chart shows the distribution of actions done from a computer and from a mobile device.
Messages sent by licensed users
This graph is the 1-year equivalent of the Global dashboard Messages graph, but only takes into account the messages sent by users with a license other than Essential:
- Internal messages are messages sent by one of your licensed users to another of your user (licensed or Essential).
- External messages are messages sent by one of your licensed users to a user of another company.
- All messages is the sum of the two preceding values.
Two views are available:
The line chart is best to see the evolution and numbers of each group separately. |
In the area chart, the areas are stacked so that the top line of the graph represents the total number of messages sent. |
Web calls with licensed users - Number and duration
This graph shows the number of web calls per day and the total duration of them.
Web calls with licensed users - Internal and external calls
This graph shows the repartition of the web calls between:
- Internal calls are calls established between one of your licensed users and another of your user (licensed or Essential).
- External calls are calls established between one of your licensed users and a user of another company.
- All calls is the sum of the two preceding values.
Two views are available:
The line chart is best to see the evolution and numbers of each group separately. |
In the area chart, the areas are stacked so that the top line of the graph represents the total number of web calls. |
Data are available for each graph in CSV format:
- In the per-day menu
for the Global dashboard
- With the
icon for the Peer-to-peer tab
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