This article is intended for company administrators who need to configure a large number of company members via the bulk provisioning feature.
Bulk provisioning allows to add, modify, delete a list of company members via a CSV file in UTF-8 format.
When the company is associated to:
- A Cloud PBX, a single CSV file is used for company member configuration and Cloud PBX data association (telephone device and phone numbers).
The Cloud PBX data association can be performed at member declaration, or later. - An ALE PBX (OmniPCX Enterprise or OXO Connect), a CSV file is used for company member configuration, and a second CSV file is used for ALE PBX data association (telephone device and phone numbers)
Bulk provisioning consists in:
- Exporting, either:
- An empty template file (CSV format) to create new company members and/or associate PBX data: see: Exporting a CSV file
The exported file contains a header line indicating the fields to complete, as well as examples of configuration. - A populated CSV file to modify existing company members with/without PBX data: see: Exporting a CSV file
The exported file contains a header line indicating the fields to complete, as well as data of already declared company members with/without PBX data.
- An empty template file (CSV format) to create new company members and/or associate PBX data: see: Exporting a CSV file
- Editing and completing the CSV file with the company member data and/or PBX data: see: Configuring a CSV file
- Importing the updated CSV file: see: Importing a CSV file
Note: After CSV file import, a detailed report of operations is generated and available for download: see: Displaying and downloading a bulk provisioning report .
Exporting a CSV file
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on the Manage your company icon
at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- Perform any of the following:
- To create new company members and/or associate PBX data, click on Import, CSV icon (if displayed), and Download Sample File.
- To modify existing company members with/without PBX data, click on Export.
Note: If Export has been selected, and the company members are associated to an ALE PBX, two download windows open, one to download the CSV file for company member configuration, and the second to download the CSV file for ALE PBX data association. - Browse, and save the file locally.
Configuring a CSV file
To configure a CSV file containing:
- Only the company members: see: Configuring a CSV file with company members only
- Only ALE PBX data: see: Configuring a CSV with ALE PBX data only
- Company members associated to a Cloud PBX: see: Configuring a CSV file with company members associated to a Cloud PBX
Warning: The CSV file configuration in a spreadsheet or text editor must be performed in UTF-8 format.
Configuring a CSV file with company members only
- Open the CSV file.
- For each line, complete the action column with the operation to perform (create, update or delete) and review/modify parameters according to you needs.
- Remove the lines containing examples, if any.
- Save the CSV file.
- Header names ending by 0 (for example email0) correspond to parameters for which multiple values are authorized. Create new columns with header name ending by 1, 2, etc to add multiple values (for example email1, email2).
- When the CSV file is opened in a spreadsheet, the Text format must be selected in columns with E.164 numbers (ddiE164Number, businessPhone0 and mobilePhone0) to be able to enter the + sign or add a single quotation mark ' in front of the number.
Configuring a CSV with ALE PBX data only
- Open the CSV file.
- For each line, indicate the operation to perform in the action column:
- Enter attach to associate ALE PBX data to a company member, and complete parameters according to you needs.
- Enter force_attach to associate ALE PBX data already used by another company member.
Note: If this telephony extension is already used by another member, this extension will be freed and attributed as required by the force_attach action.
- Enter detach to remove ALE PBX data from a company member.
- Remove the lines containing examples, if any.
- Save the CSV file.
Note: When the CSV file is opened in a spreadsheet, the Text format must be selected in columns with E.164 numbers (ddiE164Number, businessPhone0 and mobilePhone0) to be able to enter the + sign or add a single quotation mark ' in front of the number.
Configuring a CSV file with company members associated to a Cloud PBX
- Open the CSV file.
- For each line, indicate the operation to perform in the action column:
- Enter upsert to add or modify a company member, and review/modify parameters according to you needs.
- Enter delete to delete a company member.
- Enter attach to associate ALE PBX data to a company member, and complete parameters according to you needs.
- Enter detach to only remove Cloud PBX data from a company member.
- Remove the lines containing examples, if any.
- Save the CSV file.
- Header names ending by 0 (for example email0) correspond to parameters for which multiple values are authorized. Create new columns with header name ending by 1, 2, etc to add multiple values (for example email1, email2).
- When the CSV file is opened in a spreadsheet, the Text format must be selected in columns with E.164 numbers (ddiE164Number, businessPhone0 and mobilePhone0) to be able to enter the + sign or add a single quotation mark ' in front of the number.
Importing a CSV file
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on the Manage your company icon
at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- Click on Import, then CSV icon (if displayed).
- Click on Browse and select the path where the CSV file is saved.
- Enter a description (mandatory).
- Click on Import.
A summary of the operations performed in the file is displayed. - If needed, select Send enrollment email to new users.
- Click on Import to confirm.
The Status column indicates if the import has been done successfully (Completed). - Click on Back to Members to display the changes.
Displaying and downloading a bulk provisioning report
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on the Manage your company icon
at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- Click on Import, then CSV icon (if displayed).
The bulk provisioning reports are listed in the Bulk Operations Results table. - Click on the target report to display the list of performed operations and their status.
- Click on Save report to download the report for archive purposes, or analyze potential errors.
- Click on Close.
Note: From the Bulk Operations Results table, you can delete a report:
- Move the mouse over the target report and click on the icon
to the left of the selected report.
- Click on Continue to validate deletion.
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