REST API for bubbles and messages (receive and send)
I'd like to integrate a basic bot with Rainbow. The idea is to re-use python code, and use the REST API, otherwise we'd have to rebuild in nodejs...
I've playing around, but it seems the documented REST API is not oriented to SERVICE, but MANAGEMENT.
Can I use the REST API for SERVICE?, if so, can you share some documentation?
Should I trace (using Web Developer tools) WEB API in order to follow all the API calls?
Thanks for your support,
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Thanks for sharing !
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It's just for DEMO purposes, but will probably onboard more people...
Hi Jorge,
The only REST API published as you noticed is the Admin one.
( )It's not possible to do all actions with REST (you may trace them ...) as lot of them use the bidirectional socket.
I am sorry, for the moment you'll have to work with the Web SDK or Node.jsOn git, there is a bot example:
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