nodejsSDK - BOT : get an event when a user opn a chat window with the BOT
I want to welcome a user connecting to a BOT by an automatic welcome message, send every time a new user open a chat window (without typing) and that this user is not in my group list. How can i do that ? .
The last NodeJS version bring for you this new event:
Enjoy !
Superb and thanks .
Events are well received but unfortunately no event when the chat window is openned.
I receive an event when closing (=inactive) or when user type something (=composing ) but no event when window is put to front which is what I need to welcome the user before he types anything.
Looks like a bug to me (on the desktop client) as, by default focus is done on "message form" which should trigger an ACTIVE state . When clicking on another zone, this triggers and INACTIVE then ACTIVE state
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