SDK NodeJS - loginEmail not available anymore
From contact list, loginEmail is not defined anymore even if 2 users are in the same company and are in contact.
Commentaire officiel
Hi and thanks.
We are aware of the problem. It's a side effect of GPRD and we are working on this with Legals, Architects and so on...
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A rollback on loginEmail as been done yesterday. In the next month, following the 3 Release Breaking Changing, the field loginEmail have be removed form Contact object again. In the meantime we will propose an alternative.
As company admin LoginEmail stay readable. In order to identify contacts you may also use the "emails[]" collection.
I checked with server's team and confirm. No loginEmail rollback for groups for the moment.
It'll be done but with following limitation: in server's reply you'll just see loginEmail from the users in YOUR COMPANY.
If public user and/or user in your roster but not in your company: it'll be empty.
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