


8 commentaires

  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Regarding conferencing, we are preparing a sample application that will show you how to use this service.

    It will be developped using latest Angular version

    Hope this will help


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  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Hi SS SS,

    Could you add some logs in order to understand what happened and could you check that the online demo works for you ? You could test it from that link

    You should obtain the same thing when getting the source from Github and loading it on your own. 



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  • SS SS

    The Web SDK launched  and success log in, but there is no UI to test Video Conferencing

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  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Hi SS SS,


    Currently, we are not supporting video conferencing in SDK Web that's why you can't have it on this sample. We are working on it and this feature should be available soon.



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  • SS SS

    Thank you for your feedback. I read hub api online documentation. There is code segments/fragments{not complete ones}that explains how to code, but it does not link up with User Interface. As such, it will be hard to appreciate the power of rainbow platform as compared with others RTC.

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  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Yes, SS SS, code fragments should stay agnostic to JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, Jquery and so without some graphical interface.

    Because elsewhere we will have to add a code fragments for each existing JavaScript frameworks and to support them... 

    We suppose that developers know how to develop the graphical interface of their applications. 

    WebRTC is not linked to graphical interface except for the DOM tags  that should be here (see documentation). And for sure you will have to adapt CSS depending your needs.

    So once you have added these elements in your graphical interface, it should work. Then add some buttons to control the call (call, mute, end).




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  • SS SS

    Thank you for preparing a sample. For your info, my request is for sample application with UI for SDKAudioVideoAngularSample as posted in Figure 6 days ago.

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  • SS SS

    Hi Olivier,

    Thank you for the webminer session 13-Dec.

    May I know my request for a Sample application with UI for user interaction for SDKAudioVideoAngularSample that I posted in diagram uploaded 23 days ago. Is it ready for use.

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