
Proxying NodeJS requests through fiddler


2 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Vincent BERDER


    You can log the requests between SDK and Rainbow server with the options parameters:

    You can activate the log of full logs by setting the parameter `internals` to `true`. (`false` by default).
    You can activate the log of http request by setting the parameter `http` to `true`. (`false` by default).

    "logs": {
    "system-dev": {
    "internals": true,
    "http": true

    You can also capture the flow with "fiddler" for exemple with proxy setted :

    proxy: {
    host: "",
    port: 8888,
    protocol: "http",

    Notes :

    * You need to activate the https in fiddler tool

    * You need to disable certificat trust in your node.

    For exemple with the code :

    process.env["NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED"] = "0";


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  • Vincent BAILLEAU

    Hi Stephan,

    Did you follow the guide ? 

    Thank you



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