Proxying NodeJS requests through fiddler
Has anyobdoy managed to capture the Traffic going from the NodeJS SDK to the Rainbow cloud? the set http_proxy/https_proxy don't seem to do the trick so the SDK seems to use another way to make its web requests.
Commentaire officiel
You can log the requests between SDK and Rainbow server with the options parameters:
You can activate the log of full logs by setting the parameter `internals` to `true`. (`false` by default).
You can activate the log of http request by setting the parameter `http` to `true`. (`false` by default).
"logs": {
"system-dev": {
"internals": true,
"http": true
},You can also capture the flow with "fiddler" for exemple with proxy setted :
proxy: {
host: "",
port: 8888,
protocol: "http",
},Notes :
* You need to activate the https in fiddler tool
* You need to disable certificat trust in your node.
For exemple with the code :
process.env["NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED"] = "0";
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Hi Stephan,
Did you follow the guide ?
Thank you
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