
GetAllContacts in my Test Company



3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Christophe IRLES


    Are you using CSharp SDK ? It's easier if your precise which SDK you are using.

    The method GetAllContacts(...) works fine. The callback give you the list of contacts in your ROSTER not in your company.

    It's indicated in the Contacts object - an extract below:
    A cache is used internally and updated automatically when a contact is added, updated, removed **from your roster only**

    Use search method to find contact not in your roster and send them an invitation to add them in your roster.
    cf . Contacts.SearchContactsByDisplayName(...) and Invitations.SendInvitation(...)

    Does it help ?


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  • Sibin THOMAS

    Hi Christophe,

    Yes, it is a CSharp SDK.

    I understand it now only the contacts in the Roster i.e. network i.e. invited will be retrieved by the GetAllContacts method.

    I thought it would get all the contacts in the company regardless. So now, I will have to invite all the contacts in my company to get them in my roster.


    Thanks for your help.

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  • Christophe IRLES

    Hi Sibin,


    If you need more info don't hesitate

    Best regards,

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