Looking for API Developer
Hi All,
I'm looking for an API developer to assist with a 3rd party product to integrate with Rainbow.
The response from the technical team is this. Any help will great
Hi, Nick! Thank you for the email. Cliniko is not a true CRM. We classify it as a practice management system. We did have one integrator make a VOIP integration. You can read more about that here: https://community.cliniko.com/t/cfone-voip-integration/974
They would have used our open API to accomplish this. It is fully documented. You can find that here: https://github.com/redguava/cliniko-api
Hi Nick,
could you provide us more details please, is it a web integration ?
You can found SDK integration and developer support at: https://hub.openrainbow.com .
Hi Vincent,
Yes it’s a web calendar portal. The application is called Cliniko booking website.
What the client wants is a pop up integration to the booking site for client call identification.
The client has an OXO, clients call certain DDI numbers for bookings. Based on the DDI number in the range. The Reception answers on behalf of the medical booking agency. We want Incoming DDI to pop open the booking calendar.
I hope this information helps.
You can use the desktop application capability: https://support.openrainbow.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002415910-How-to-Launch-External-Applications-while-Incoming-Call-
in order to open an external application when an incoming call is coming. Or integrate into your web application the WebSDK ( https://hub.openrainbow.com/#/web ).
In both cases, you need to pair Rainbow with the customer OXO, check the https://support.openrainbow.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000380804--DR-How-to-Create-a-New-Equipment-PBX- site for more details.
If you get difficulties on pairing, you may contact the support@openrainbow.com .
For CPaaS questions, you may continue the conversation with us here ;-)
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