iOS Rainbow App no audio problem
My Rainbow app on iOS experiences no audio problem with the following scenario, it's very simple.
1. Make a rainbow call from the app to another rainbow party on any device, e.g., iOS, Android or Windows.
2. The other rainbow answered the call, it is established and 2-way audio conversation starts.
3. Hang-up the call from the other rainbow party. -> this triggers the problem.
4. The app makes a call to the same rainbow party, no-audio after the other party answers the call.
For debug purpose, I made a very simple test app that stripes non-essential factors in order to focus on true Rainbow things, it just makes a call to a fixed rainbow account.
Even with the test app (on iOS) I can still reproduce the problem.
When the other party hangs up the test app receives
NSNotification.Name.telephonyServiceDidRemoveCall 2 times.
Has anyone experienced same issue and have any ideas how to fix it?
My test app described above is almost a kind of copy and paste code from SDK > iOS > Getting Started > Managing voice and video calls.
Hi Hiro,
Did you encounter the same issue when you replace your IOS sample app by the Rainbow Official IOS client and do the same scenario ?
If not:
- Which version of the SDK did you used ?
- Coud you have a snippet of code on that part (call handling part) ?
Thanks in advance,
I installed the official Rainbow app and tested it, and I could not reproduce the problem.
I'm using SDK 1.63.0 for the real app and 1.62.0 for the test app.
Below is a code that makes a new call.
if (mServicesManager.rtcService.microphoneAccessGranted as Bool?) != nil {
let features = getCallFeatures(callType)
mCurrentCall = mServicesManager.rtcService.beginNewOutgoingCall(with: contact, withFeatures: features) as RTCCall?
Below is a callback for telephonyServiceDidRemoveCall notification triggered when the other party hangs up.
@objc func didRemoveCall(notification: NSNotification) {
if !Thread.isMainThread {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.didRemoveCall(notification: notification)
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