Notification click and open the app get crashed in iOS
App get crashed when i click on app notification in notification center.
- App not running(app not in background) state when i click on notification it's crashed.
- if app is foreground or in background it's working fine.
Swift : 4.2
Xcode : 11.3
Rainbow : 1.65
I attached screenshot check it.
Crash logo:
[PLCrashReport] MSplcrash_async_cfe_entry_apply:1165: The specified return_address_register 'lr' is not available
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:136: Failed to apply CFE encoding 0x2000000 for PC 0x1006ef750: 8
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:136: Failed to apply CFE encoding 0x130000e0 for PC 0x1b796329c: 4
[PLCrashReport] plcrash_async_dwarf_cfa_state_apply_register:746: Same-value rule references a register that is not available from the current thread state
[PLCrashReport] plframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind_int:182: Failed to apply CFA state for PC 0x1b796329c: 8
[PLCrashReport] MSplcrash_async_cfe_entry_apply:1165: The specified return_address_register 'lr' is not available
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:136: Failed to apply CFE encoding 0x2000000 for PC 0x1006ef750: 8
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:136: Failed to apply CFE encoding 0x130000e0 for PC 0x1b796329c: 4
[PLCrashReport] plcrash_async_dwarf_cfa_state_apply_register:746: Same-value rule references a register that is not available from the current thread state
[PLCrashReport] plframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind_int:182: Failed to apply CFA state for PC 0x1b796329c: 8
2020-01-28 15:36:20.869 MYAPP [11795:2643336] [ContactsManagerService:2237] getVcardsFromCache : ignore contact with my jid
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