Schedule multiple phone conferences
RéponduI'd like to schedule several phone conferences over the next few days and weeks with various participants. This means I need multiple access codes that will only be valid during the time of each specific meeting.
This seems like a pretty standard requirement for phone conferences, yet I can't figure out how to do this with Rainbow and the conference option.
Meeting interface has been simplified a few months ago and is fully described here:
You can't schedule several conferences with different access codes. But you can save the meetings to reuse them later. You can also share links to your meeting.
Hi Claire,
Thanks for your reply.
I'm really surprised at this, though. From a professional conferencing system, the first thing I'd expect is to be able to set up multiple conferences that I can manage separately. I am receiving several requests from customers with regards to virtual conferencing solutions that include PSTN audio and I was about to make a campaign for Rainbow. Under these circumstances, however, I'll have to reconsider. I hope ALE will revisit this functionality, and soon.
Viktor -
One seems to be enough and logical, if you use your conference bridge, how you can use another one in the same time?
If a user want to use mutiple conferences , the bubble are there to answer the needs of your users requesting them.
And the simplification of the meeting interface was a great thing :-)
Hi Olivier,
No, one is not enough.
Clearly, no one is planning to hold multiple meetings at the same time. It's a matter of scheduling meetings in advance that will take place at different times. This is how conferencing always worked, really nothing new here.
"Bubbles", as far as I understand, is a pure web conference function without PSTN access and therefore not a valid alternative.
If you want to see how conferencing is done right, have a look at Zoom. This is what we're competing against and we look very bad in comparison.
In my view, it should not be that difficult to make this better in Rainbow. And it would be a major selling point.
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