
Use csharp sdk in console application


2 commentaires

  • Christophe IRLES


    The Rainbow CSharp SDK has been built to be asynchronous.

    You can still create a console application but it's up to you to "synchronize" methods/API you want to use.

    For example, the method "GetContactFromContactIdFromServer" can by used synchronous in this way:

    public Contact GetContactFromContactIdFromServerSync(String contactId)
       Contact contact = null;

       ManualResetEvent pause = new ManualResetEvent(false);
       GetContactFromContactIdFromServer(contactId, callback =>
         if (callback.Result.Success)
           contact = callback.Data;

       pause.WaitOne(2000); // <= In case of network trouble, we need also a Timer. Here 2 seconds
       return contact;

    For the Login step, it's a little bit more complex since you need to wait 2 events: ConnectionStateChanged and InitializationPerformed. but it's still possible


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  • Flavio DOSSENA

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    Please, can you send me a sample for ConnectionStateChanged and InitializationPerformed ?

    Thank you very much.

    Have a nice day


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