Rainbow web sdk telephony events inconsistency problem
Hi Team,
I have integrated latest version of rainbow-web-sdk in my angular application, I am using telephony services and trying to make call and receive calls from application. During development I have found following issues,
1. If a user is assigned virtual pbx extension number of type "Anydevice" then, on inbound call, telephony service does not throw any event for call incoming/ringing , but when I accept call from rainbow application, then telephony service starts throwing events properly.
2. On outbound calls if a user is assigned virtual pbx extension number of type "Anydevice" then same thing happens, telephony service does not invoke any outgoing call event and call does not occur and my rainbow presence status changes to "dnd" until and unless I do not open rainbow application again after quitting it.
3. If a user has been assigned a physical pbx extension number, then events occur properly without any issue.
4. I have tried following methods to make a call from rainbow-web-sdk:
a. "telephony.callByNumber(strPhoneNumber)"
b. "telephony.makeCall(contact, phoneNumber, callSubject, correlatorData)"
5. Here is my code for making a call for reference purposes:
rainbowSDK.telephony.makeCall(null, ext, "rainbow", "").then(e => {
console.log("Call Extension OBj in Promise::: ",e);
//var callObj = rainbowSDK.telephony.callByNumber(ext);
//console.log("Call Extension OBj::: ", callObj);
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