
ConferenceSession Object is not returning videos of all participants in ConferenceSession.videoGallery


7 commentaires

  • Konrad Hyzy


    The new version v1.78 features a brand new service: conferencesService which is completely responsible for handling web conferences from now on

    Try listening to rainbowSDK.conferences.RAINBOW_ONWEBCONFERENCEUPDATED event that comes pack with the newest beta version.

    There's also an example project available on our GitHub page. I encourage you to go have a look on how the particular methods have been implemented in order to run a simple web app with a conference feature.


    Best Regards,


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  • Sathya MANOHARAN


     Yes I've run that github code with my account, it initiates conference on both audio and video but still I could not find a way to achieve speaker view at the large video. Github example application also shows first participant video in large video not changing depend on who is speaking. Is there any methods available to change large video as speaker view?

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  • Konrad Hyzy


    The issue should be corrected starting the newest beta version of the SDK: v1.78.0-beta.1


    Can you try using it and give us your feedback?




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  • Sathya MANOHARAN

    Hello Konrad,

     Upgraded to v1.78.0-beta.1 version, now it returns all the videos. But last version gave speaker(who is currently speaking) at the top of the video gallery.

     So it behaved like speaker view but now it is not. It shows first user at in large video. I've tried to update main stream(large video) on RAINBOW_ONBUBBLECONFERENCETALKERACTIVE listener using

    rainbowSDK.bubbles.updateMainVideoSession(conferenceId, session.sessionId);
    But it doesn't work. Could you give me some suggestion to achieve it?
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  • Sathya MANOHARAN

    I have gone through updated SDK methods, there I found rainbowSDK.bubbles.showActiveTalkerVideo(conferencesession) method call, Added this line inside RAINBOW_ONBUBBLECONFERENCETALKERACTIVE listener, but still it is not changing video as a speaker view.

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  • Konrad Hyzy



    the active speaker feature is still an experimental addition to the SDK at the moment. It is not yet supported by the library, although it can change in the future.


    Best Regards,


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  • Sathya MANOHARAN

    Hi Konrad,

      Okay I will check this functionality on your next SDK release.

      Thanks for your support

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