
Hand Hebe Funktion / Hand lift function


4 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Rodolphe GOUDIN

    Hello Patrick,
    Thank you very much for your message. To maximize the chances for other users to comment and upvote your post, could you please post your message in english language as well?

    Thank you in advance

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  • Günter Hanke


    das wäre sicherlich sinnvoll, insbesondere in Boubles.


    Und wenn man es macht, bitte auch eine Tastenkombi dafür bereitstellen.


    Ich bin blind und nutze Rainbow mit Screenreader (mehr schlecht als Recht) und brauche für sowas einen Hotkey.


    Schönes Wochenende




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  • Günter Hanke


    Patrick wrote taht in other meeting software there is a function to raise your hand.

    This is not available in Rainbow.


    And i added that this would be great.

    I am blind and would need a hotkey for that.


    We hope that this could be made




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  • Günter Hanke

    Hi Again,

    other meeting systems also have functions to

    - give applause

    - show thump up and down


    Especially in Boubles with many participants this would be of help.


    Otherwise you'll have to write this, like my colleagues do right now.


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