[Bug] Android and IOS Rainbow Application
I'm working on an application for Rainbow.
Markdown messages are not supported on Iphone and HTML messages are not displayed in Android Application.
Is there any informations about these issues ?
Also Is there a Rainbow sandbox application for Android/IOS to develop and see the result before the production ?
Hello Julien,
Thank you for your question.
On SDK side (either iOS, Android or other) you can provide any type and content, this information is just sent to the recipient. The recipient application is in charge of interpreting the type and content.
Talking about the iOS and Android Rainbow client applications these are currently supporting only markdown (text/markdown).
Not all markdown syntax is handled. This is what is supported:
- Headings: #, ##, ..., #####
- List items: Unordered list by preceding one or more lines of text with - or *
- Styling text
- Bold: **xxx** or __xxx__
- Italic: *xxx* or _xxx_
- Bold and italic: ***xxx***
- Underlined: __xxx__ or ~~xxx~~
- Links: [text](url)
- Paragraphs and line breaks (create a new paragraph by leaving a blank line between lines of text)
- Headings: #, ##, ..., #####
- List items: Unordered list by preceding one or more lines of text with - or * , Ordered list, e.g. 1., 2., etc..
- Styling text
- Bold: **xxx** or __xxx__
- Italic: *xxx* or _xxx_
- Bold and italic: ***xxx***
- Underlined: __xxx__ or ~~xxx~~
- Blockquotes: > xxx
- Quoting code: `xxx`
- Links: [text](url)
- Paragraphs and line breaks (create a new paragraph by leaving a blank line between lines of text)
- Images: 
- Emoji: :label:
- Task lists: [x] complete item, [ ] incomplete item
What do you mean by "markdown messages are not supported on iPhone" ?
To develop and test before production, you can use the sandbox: activate your sandbox account (if not already done, in the Rainbow API Hub), install the Rainbow CLI npm package, configure it with the sandbox credentials you received by email, create an application with the CLI, configure your application so it connects to the sandbox platform instead of the production platform. From the sandbox account, you can also create test accounts to experiment with your application. Please refer to Rainbow API Hub documentation for all the details.
Best regards,
Thanks for you answer.
"What do you mean by "markdown messages are not supported on iPhone" ?"As you can see, in dark mode it's displayed with black text on a gray background and markdown Heading is not supported.
We already are testing and have access to the sandbox environment.
Our need is to be able to test all of our client access before the production, currently we are unable to test on Android or iOS during development. -
Hello Julien,
The display issues on iOS will be handled by the development team, a correction should be available in a future version (exact release to be confirmed).
To switch the server connection from production to sandbox and back on the iOS application, please follow this simple procedure:
- Logout to the Rainbow account
- Open Safari, type and enter : rainbow://sandbox.openrainbow.com
- It will open back Rainbow on the sandbox
- To go back go production : rainbow://openrainbow.com
This is currently not possible with the Android application, a correction will be released in a future version.
Best regards,
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