Rainbow ROOM problem update (crash audio/video) & no bubbles to see
we have a demo license for Rainbow room and a Nvidea shield Pro
- Rainbow room android app version 1.6.0
- Nvidea Pro Shield version (model P2897) version 11 (shield android tv sw version 9.0.0 (
- Installed the app, activation code, startup looks all ok.
Problem: I can't see any bubbles on the TV, rainbow room devices is added in 3 test bubbles.
If I start the bubble from the computer, the TV get's an start conference screen to join but if i click "OK/Green" , the android app stops/crashed each time.
Tested with and without camera/speakers but same result.
When go to settings > audio/video in the android rainbow room app, the app stops every time with or without usb devices connected.
Are there special network requirements, it's connected to guest network LAN, no access to WebRTC, is this needed?
Something more to check before giving up this demo setup?
ok thank you Roman BÄCHLI
i made another post for the missing bubbles on our TV beccause these are 2 different issues who are not related.
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