
Newsfeeds - Vorschau, Bikder und Links


2 commentaires

  • Fabrice BELLONCLE

    Hi Markus,

    Please note that you should post your questions or problems found with the Rainbow clients on the "Help Assistance & Support" forum (

    The current forum "Hub Support Community" is dedicated to Rainbow SDKs and APIs questions.

    Let me try to answer your questions:

    1) you can close the preview with the little cross on the top right of the window:

    2) I do not experience the image insertion problem here

    3) Sorry, I do not understand what action you try to do

    For 2 & 3, please post your problems on the Help Assistance & Support forum so the support team can help you.

    Best regards,


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  • Markus DOMMNING

    Hello Fabrice,

    thanks for help.

    1) it works, thanks :)

    2) the problem has gone

    3) a link to a local Path. If I click the link, rainbow ask me for a application to open. See screenshot:

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