Zac a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, Could you please give us an update about this feature ? Kind regards Zacharie
Zac a ajouté un commentaire,
Same problem here. My customer does not want to fully deploy Rainbow because of this bug. Could you please provide us an update about this problem ? Best regards Zacharie Levavasseur
Zac a ajouté un commentaire,
Thanks for your answer !
Zac a créé une publication,
Good day all, Is it possible to add a secondary DNS server on the WebRTC configuration ? The guideline, only explains for one.... mpnetwork --DNS="" //your DNS// BR
Zac a créé une publication,
Good day all, Does the webRTC gateway support hot backuping (via VEEAM for instance) ? Without interrupting the virtual machine. Thanks Zacharie Levavasseur
Zac a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, indeed that would be a great feature. Several customers asked if this could be added to your roadmaps... Thanks a lot for your feedback about this feature
Zac a créé une publication,
Good day all, Does the webRTC gateway support hot backuping (via VEEAM for instance) ? Without interrupting the virtual machine. Thanks Zacharie Levavasseur
Zac a créé une publication,
Hello, Is Rainbow compatible with Polycom for visioconferences purposes? Kind regards Zacharie Levavasseur
Zac a créé une publication,
Hello, Can Rainbow sync with an Open LDAP, instead of Azure AD? Kind regardsZacharie Levavasseur