Hello Le-Trong-Nghia, thanks for the infomation. The link is i this page https://developers.openrainbow.com/doc/sdk/ios/lts/guides/Hello_World , as Note: Please notice the Rainbow SDK for iOS versi...
Hello Jordan,The issue I posted an hour ago was just my mistake as it was permission related on Android 12. I finally successfully rebuilt my app with Rainbow SDK for Android 2.7.3, and tested basi...
Hello Jordan, Thank you for the information. BTW, do you have any ideas if I can continue using 1.72 with a minimum code modification? Thanks!
Thanks, I thought the same thing as nothing changed. Let me dig into Amplify a little more deeply.
Hello, thank you for your suggestion, however I'm still getting the same errors.Inside the webpack.config.js under node_modules/react-scripts, I've changed the values of "minimize" and "mangle" to ...
Got it, thank you Jordan!
I followed the instruction in Rainbow API Hub, added lines to my project/build.gradle and app/build.gradle.When I hit SyncNow then got this error, "Build was configured to prefer settings repositor...
Hello Jordan, thank you for your prompt comment. I will try using the avatar library. Thanks, Hiro
The issue did NOT occur when I downgraded the SDK version to 1.72.0 for test purpose.I did not try upgrade the SDK as some of fields/methods I'm using have been deleted/replaced.
The issue was solved just by removing unsupported architecture by using the lipo comment with -remove x86_64 option.