I tried to see version history of the SDK for iOS but the following link did not work, got "document not fond" error. https://developers.openrainbow.com/doc/sdk/ios/lts/guides/What_is_new
Hello, I need your help to solve the build issue on iOS. This is the first time to touch my Rainbow iOS app this year after updating my Xcode environment, I 'm facing the following build problem re...
My Rainbow app for Android OS was working w/o issues until I upgraded my tablet to Android 12. After it, it started crashing inside the signin() method with FATAL EXCEPTION attached below. My app l...
Hello, I'm trying to use REST APIs with Sanbox profile, but I got 401 unauthorized error. I checked my Sanbox account ant it said STATUS SUCCEEDED. Are there anything I can try to solve the issue?
Hello, I'm a new to make a rainbow web app. I'm building the first rainbow web app on AWS amplify and got the following Angular errors as soon as I modified a code to import "rainbow-web-sdk". The...
Is there a compatibility issue with the newer gradles? I created a new android Rainbow project with the following newer gradle versions but it failed as "unsolved com.ale:rainbowsdk:2.7.1". Andro...
Does anyone have an answer for the issue below that is I'm now facing? I'm making an Android app and using the SDK version 2.2.1.I tried to display a photo of each contact but it always null. The a...
Hello, I'm working on a Rainbow app for iOS and am facing build problems with xcode12, I need your help how to strip parts for the simulator (x86_64) from each Rainbow framework. When I build the...
My Rainbow app has been running since last summer and recently noticed that it cannot login to a Rainbow account. The app is getting the following errors generated by the linked framework, 1.66.0. ...
Hello I'm new for the Android Rainbow SDK. I made a Rainbow app for iOS and I used ContactsManagerService.searchRainbowContactWithEmailString() method in the app. I am now making an app for Android...