Hey Bernard, I just read the post you started 3 years ago and the comments provided, I agree with everything said. This is my opinion, I think ALE is focused on competing features comparable to Zoo...
Thanks Brian, it’s the clients who are asking this as they can see the potential in rainbow. The thing is these features are supported currently on Pimphony, the Rainbow product can’t go backwards ...
Couple examples on how I had to do a work around as Rainbow doesn't meet customers full expectations. Customer 1, who has an OXO, during the covid period, their receptionist were in lockdown from t...
Hi rainbow team will this be a feature, I asked 2 years ago.
I was checking to see if anyone posted this feature request. I have a client who asked if this is possible, I said to them not at this stage. It would be great not just in a WebRTC scenario, also i...
Hi Jean-Luc, Thank you for your reply. It is good to hear about points 1&2, any timeframe when this will occur? Point 3, the client is suggestng as per a voice call, DND routes the calls away from ...
I'm in agreement with you Mike, ALE have gone missing. Maybe you might find them on the Rainbow Voice powered by " " Community hub
Hi Martin, Thanks for your response, it would be nice to simply it with a button on the App to switch between devices.
Yes same issue with me, the F6 click to call does not work with the new UI
The client has rainbow running. I want to use this for integration