Samuel DIRN a ajouté un commentaire,
I just need to know where the rainbow.ini file is on a mac Sam
Samuel DIRN a ajouté un commentaire,
Thank you. Indeed it works like this. Now what about mac app ? Sam
Samuel DIRN a ajouté un commentaire,
I'm more or less sure I rebooted but did it again today and now it works with microcrm.exe. Then I 've tried to open a web page but nothing happens. Here is my config: { "version" : "1", "extension...
Samuel DIRN a ajouté un commentaire,
Here is the content of the "custo.manifest" file: { "version" : "1", "extension-points" : { "on-incoming-pbx-call-actions" : [ { "name" : "actionIn", "command" : { "url" : "C:\Program Files (x86)\M...
Samuel DIRN a ajouté un commentaire,
Hi, even with this correction I don't succeed to make it work.... help appreciated Sam
Samuel DIRN a créé une publication,
Hi, I've followed the last article published regarding external application but didn't succeed to make it work. I've tried both to launch the MicroCRM example but also a web page, no luck, nothing ...