Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, The disconnected State happens when one of the 2 links is down REST/XMPP. Note that, the SDK should reconnect automaticaly, so if it stays on a state != than ready, then maybe a fatal erro...
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
The issue is linked to certificates. You can have look on to see the possible options to solve...
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, I do not understand what does not work (the release, or the result in the payload), but i had developped nodes for Telephony for the node red contrib a few years ago. You can find it there ...
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, Your header seems to be wrong. You have got the code of the header generation for the connection with the Rainbow Node SDK :
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, could you tell us which SDK you used ? It is interesting to know that the bubbles are return with a list of users limited to 100. (So probably it is you had seen). On Rainbow Node SDK, we ...
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, In current release 1.66.1 you can upload file with Rainbow Node Sdk to conversation or bubble only. So i added in repository the method FileStorageService::uploadFileToStorage to Send a fi...
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, Thank you for the feed back. I corrected it, and it will be available in next delivery of the documentation. As a first step, i shared the doc here :
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, I commited the file i use to do some tests/validationd about the SDK on github : look at method testChann...
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Hello, It is an issue solved in commit "8e4c30afca6e0321979fa103935073c14c4c14cf" (, but it is not ...
Vincent BERDER a ajouté un commentaire,
Could you call the following APIs to see the status of PBX link : telephony.getAgentVersion()telephony.getAgentStatus() telephony.getPhoneAPIStatus() telephony.getXMPPAgentStatus()Thank you,Vincent.