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i built my app with angularjs, what is a good tool to test my rainbow angular app? I have to call config.json to run sdk-rainbow first. related to testing activity, where do I save my test file? do...
i use API Bubbles.promoteContactToModerator(contact, bubble). I got error response when i use that API. "updateRoomUser 7d14e2136218b5c81c93077c7f70284d to room 5b0a821226273f8111f59a55(promosi...
I have two accounts that access the same bubble, call it account A and account B. when the first bubble is created, the customs owned by account A and B contains the same customdata. picture : sam...
when i retrieve some messages with rainbowSDK.im.getMessagesFromConversation , i got a json response that contains some key. I see key "type" that have value "FileSharing " if the conversation con...
i see customData key on bubbles json structure , can i insert my custom data on that attribute? What APIs can I use? { "dbId": "5ad996d852d2add474943835", "jid": "room_7310d3d5332a441ca2c0b96499acc...
i got message on console '[No global parameter rainbowSDK (no-global)] :: undefined' , how to solve that ?
these last few days, I can not access api.openrainbow.com and its sandbox. is the rainbow server okay? because I'm developing an application with rainbow sdk and I hope rainbow sdk can be used as s...