Hey @Christophe, Following on from the above comments, could you please let us know what the status of this is? Had a meeting with our key distributor in the UK and they see this as being a key fe...
Hey Bjorn, the Newsfeed is already available on Android. iOS should be coming soon! :) Hope this helps!
Hey @Quentin, based on the conversation above, am I correct in assuming that this reply feature will also become available on person-to-person messages?
Completely agree. This has come up numerous times in various conversations with different partners!
@Christophe, I agree with @Esli's comments. I have a partner who has requested this multiple times, and has asked me to raise this with the Rainbow product team. While I do concede that you can dia...
Has there been any progress on this? I was about to post a similar feature request. Thanks
Hey @Christophe, What I mean is that when someone attaches a document to a Rainbow message, it is not always that obvious that it is in fact an attachment. For example, if you look at the screensh...