Try putting self.registerForPushNotifications() outside the thread.... func configRainbow() { DispatchQueue.main.async { ServicesManager.sharedInstance()?.setAppID(kID, secret...
Can you share the set of code in didFinishlaunching method ?
Hello Prakash , Hers's the solution i came up with ,I just put the code on main thread.. dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[ServicesManager sharedInstance] setAppID:kAppID secretKe...
This issue is solved. Thanks.
It is like this : *** -[RainbowConversationViewController itemsBrowser:didAddCacheItems:atIndexes:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x103ff0800 Thanks.
We are getting this warning in "didAddCacheitems atIndexes" of item browser.
We are only getting notifications when the app is in inactive state i.e when the app doesn't get the rainbow session. In other cases, When the app is background or in active state we don't receive ...
I guess there a mistake in your command. When we remove passphrase from the key you have given `openssl rsa -in MyDevCert.pem -out MyDevCert-noenc.pem` but what i think it should be like`openssl r...
The issue is resolved. Thanks.
No, It's not. Even in 1.47.0 the local video is not working...