Oke, I will send the email through Rainbow
Thank you Jonathan Regards, Muhammad Syah Royni
So when I use method below :getConversationFromRoom(room) or getConversationFromContact(contact) the returned object conversation will get from local or remote from the server?
Hi Jerome, In Rainbow Web Official, I try to open a bubble that already inactive and the conversation show in list conversation without sending a message first. And when I try to reload the webpage...
Hai, 1. Production 2. Google Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit) in MacBook Pro 3. WebRTC.startRecording(call, fileName, [recordRemote], [toUpload], [onlyAudio], [mimeType]) ⇒ ...
We tested on Chrome with version 72.0. No, we already use the production server.
We use Web SDK 1.51 and already try in 1.53 too.This is the code when making WebRTC call if(rainbowSDK.webRTC.canMakeAudioVideoCall()) {if(rainbowSDK.webRTC.hasAMicrophone()) {if(rainbowSDK.webRTC...
I already print the logcat and found these errors : No interface method i()I in class Landroid/content/res/XmlResourceParser; or its super classes (declaration of 'android.content.res.XmlResourc...
Hi,Actually, when login listener called I show an alert either the login success or not. But the app force close when login still processes and the alert didn't show. So I assume something happens ...
The error still occurs,And its force close before the sign in listener called by SDK. For more information, This is error from gradle when I build the release version : - Error: json defines classe...